Tuesday, December 8, 2015

WWI Project Worksheet

WWI Project Instructions

Social Studies Unit 3 Project:
The Global Aftermath of World War I

Step 1: For Homework, Due Tuesday 12/15 (E Day)

a)    Visit the URL provided and read the article about your topic

b)   Using the Internet, find another article about your topic and read it. Be sure to have access to the URL for class or print it out.

c)    Complete the Part I of the Research Graphic Organizer for your topic and teaching point

            d) Print out at least 3 pictures that go with your teaching point to use on a poster your group will make

Step 2: Complete in Class When Assigned

            a) As a group, create a 2nd teaching point and complete Part II of your Research Graphic Organizer

            b) As a group, plan an 8-minute lesson about your topic that could be taught to 2-3 other          students using the Lesson Plan Graphic Organizer

c)    As a group, design and create a poster-board or chart paper that can be used to aid in your lesson plan. (This is where the pictures will go, as long as any notes you have for your classmates to copy.)

Step 3:

 On either Monday 12/21 or Tuesday 12/22 (depending on your class) your table will be split in half. At any one time, half of you will be learning from other tables and half of you will be teaching        other students about your topic. Halfway through the period, you will switch and alternate roles.

Tables A and H

Topic: WWI and the Middle East

Teaching Point: The division of the Ottoman Empire by the British and French created many of the problems in the Modern Middle East.

Tables B and G

Topic: Russian Revolution

Teaching Point: The horrible effects World War I had on Russia led to the Russian Revolution and the rise of communism

Tables C and F

Topic: WWI and Africa

Teaching Point: World War I had negative consequences for daily life in Africa

Tables D and E

Topic: WWI and Asia

Teaching Point: After WWI, Japan became the most powerful country in Asia, creating conflict with Korea, China, and other Asian countries.